You are here: POS > Infocodes > Setting Up Infocodes > Infocode Types

Infocode types

Infocodes can be of eight different types. This chapter shows how each type appears in the LS POS:



Numeric input:

Opens a numeric window.

The cancel button is created automatically for infocodes which do not require any input.



Text input:

Opens a keyboard window.

The cancel button is created automatically for infocodes that do not require any input.



Date input:

Opens a date window. By default the date of the day is in the field but the POS user can overwrite it by using the keyboard button.

The cancel button is created automatically for infocodes that do not require any input.



Item selection:

Opens the item search window for the item to be selected.



Customer selection:

Opens the customer search window for the customer to be selected.



Age limit:

This type is a bit different from the other ones since it does not display any options in the POS. Instead, you have to fill in the minimum value on the infocode card.

When used on the POS, the system calculates the age limit depending on the actual year and displays a message window. The POS uses this information to check if the buyer fulfills the requirements set.




Selection list:

The subcodes are displayed as a list window for the user to select one of them.



Selection buttons

The subcodes are displayed as buttons. The cancel button is created automatically for infocodes, which do not require any input. The maximum number of selection buttons per infocode is twelve.





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